Forums - FP -> Rocket Punch xx Hyper Sentinel Force help! (please) Show all 16 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- FP -> Rocket Punch xx Hyper Sentinel Force help! (please) ( Posted by EvilKen02 on 07:28:2001 11:04 PM: FP -> Rocket Punch xx Hyper Sentinel Force help! (please) Argh! I can never get that damn combo off (my Subject) the second time. I've tried remedying this by doing a c.FP and then HSF and by trying a s.FP ->rocket punch. and a c.FP -> rocket punch. But everytime, I can never get it off. I think my timing sucks, could someone give me some help on this? Thank you. Kevin Hsu, Team Shoto 4Life Posted by Advent on 07:28:2001 11:09 PM: i had trouble with this for a while too, the thing to remember is that you are cancelling into the HSF, not just doing it. you dont get to rest a second and wait for the Rocket Punch to hit, you have to bang off the two moves in a split second. as soon as you hit the fp for the rocket punch, do the motion. -=fast as hell is the secret. Posted by EXKanzenSouzou on 07:28:2001 11:35 PM: ummm, one thing, you can leave out the rocket punch. you can juse s.HP XX HSF, but you must time it right. you have to just let the tip if the beam touch the opp. then HSF Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 07:28:2001 11:38 PM: For s.hp, rocket punch, HSF, you just need to wait until you see the rocket punch hit the opponent, then put it in. Hold on, the HSF must start as soon as the rocket punch hits. If you do it too early you won't get the rocket punck and they'll drop. If you do it too late, they'll be able to block the HSF or they'll land. Posted by EvilKen02 on 07:29:2001 05:43 AM: Thanks everybody, now to actually try it out ... BBL (10 hours to be precise) *runs off to DC* Posted by hyt on 07:29:2001 03:36 PM: EXKanzenSozou: Just using HP -> HSF doesn't work from full screen. Your opponent recovers before the HSF hits. About the timing, you must press the HP button at the same time the last line of drones hits the target. All 3 moves are a smooth hit-pause-hit-pause rythm because they do not hit the instant you press the button. Posted by n817azn on 07:29:2001 04:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by hyt EXKanzenSozou: Just using HP -> HSF doesn't work from full screen. Your opponent recovers before the HSF hits. About the timing, you must press the HP button at the same time the last line of drones hits the target. All 3 moves are a smooth hit-pause-hit-pause rythm because they do not hit the instant you press the button. Whhhoooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE DEAD WRONG!!!!!!! Hyt don't tell people wrong things please. HP to hsf works from full screen very easily, and if you can't do it then you don't know the correct timing, so don't tell people that its not possible just cuz you can't do it. If you can do the hp xx rp xx hsf, then why wouldn't you be able to do hp xx hsf, what your saying doesn't make any sense. b4 i got the timing down thats what i did everytime, fp xx hsf, because its so much easier to pull off. Now that i can do the other one i do that one, but still the hp xx hsf is very possible from full screen. The only way it wouldn't work from full screen is if you were trying to start the whole combo off of the fp, and in THAT extreme case(one which should never happen if you know how to play sent.) yes your opponet would recover in time. But on the timing of it you are right you wait for the last line of drones to hit........ which seems very strange to me since you know that but you think that you can't do hp xx hsf, i find that weird. n8 Posted by Nate X Grey on 07:29:2001 04:50 PM: What can't you get? Are they too high? Does it not combo? Or does the HSF not come out? Anyway, if you wanna go for damage, just do HSF, rocket punch XX HSF, repeat. Laser stuns shorter but rocket punch hits them higher than the laser does. Just remember these points and adjust accordingly. Posted by EvilKen02 on 07:29:2001 10:18 PM: whenever I do it it's always one of two things: 1. I do FP -> rocket punch xx HSF, but I cancel into HSF too early and the opponent can block before HSF hits 2. I do FP xx HSF and they are able to recover before HSF hits them. I've tried doing a c.FP second time around (like in the James Chen combo vid for Sentinel) but it never works for me. Thanks for all the help all you guys have given so far, I really appreciate it. Posted by Trizak on 07:30:2001 12:17 AM: start the combo with Rocket Punch then cancel to HSF after the first HSF you want to tap fp, wait a sec then do the fierce rocket punch and do the super again, it took me a while to get used to the timing, easiest on cyclops note that its hard to start the combo with both of you on the ground and hitting fp, rocket punch, super cause the fp doesnt combo into the rocket punch unless they are off of the ground already i think i worded that right, hope it helps Posted by hyt on 07:30:2001 01:14 AM: n817azn: HP => HSF only works for 2 repetitions. By some strange law of physics, once you get pushed back to full screen, your opponent falls low enough to recover and block. Posted by S3nTiN3L on 07:30:2001 02:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by hyt n817azn: HP => HSF only works for 2 repetitions. By some strange law of physics, once you get pushed back to full screen, your opponent falls low enough to recover and block. sorry dude but your wrong you can do HPxxHSF forever (or untill thay get dizzy ) trust me i do it and ive seen a uhhh i dont know if it was mike z but the guy did HPxxHSF,HPxxHSF for up to like 280 hits sooo yhaa jus ask any sentinel player (alex,duc, )thayle tell you. once again trust me my best char. is sentinel i know this jus go ahead and try RPxxHSF,HP and as soon as hp touches them xx into HSF all right later Posted by n817azn on 07:30:2001 02:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by S3nTiN3L sorry dude but your wrong you can do HPxxHSF forever (or untill thay get dizzy ) trust me i do it and ive seen a uhhh i dont know if it was mike z but the guy did HPxxHSF,HPxxHSF for up to like 280 hits sooo yhaa jus ask any sentinel player (alex,duc, )thayle tell you. once again trust me my best char. is sentinel i know this jus go ahead and try RPxxHSF,HP and as soon as hp touches them xx into HSF all right later THANK YOU s3ntinel, my point xactly. Just to be sure i just did it on my DC with auto block on, i did it seven times in a row even though i could have kept on going, and yes it was at full screen, so i'm sorry hyt but you are wrong just like i said b4, your timing is just off man. n8 Posted by BlackShinobi on 07:30:2001 03:05 AM: What the fuck is going on in this thread. I haven't looked in here for two days because there were like 10 responses and the title seemed like a pretty easy answer. For a character who is so popular people don't seem to know much about him btw I had the same trouble with the s.Hp while learning the trap, the key is to remember that you are cancelling from the hp into the HSF (or rocket punch), not doing the HSF (or rocket punch) after the HP I used to tap HP to keep time instead of holding it down, but whatever works for you GOD THIS THREAD IS SCARY Posted by dc_guru on 07:30:2001 06:05 AM: ok you CAN do fp rocketpunch xx hsf, [fp xx hsf] from full screen until 243 hits...just tried on my dc. Another stupid question...where is autogaurd? i've checked out training options but it's not in there...plz help me out. Posted by margalis on 07:30:2001 07:54 AM: Alright, here is the deal. First, practice HP->HSF. You should start the HP as the previous HSF is still going, I do it halfway between the second and third wave. Next, make sure to cancel the FP as *SOON* as it hits them. It should just feel right, you interrupt it during the slight pause that a hit produces. (All hits pause both characters for a second, you want the HSF to come out during that pause) Once you have that down, getting the FP->RP->HSF isn't really more difficult. All times are GMT. The time now is 09:42 PM. Show all 16 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.